You’re probably expecting a value proposition here. I don’t have one. I’m not a brand. I’m not a product. I’m a person. I make art, not ads.
Maybe there is a value proposition in that: Art changes us on the inside. It doesn’t do it in ways that are easily quantifiable. We just know it makes everything better.
The best I can suggest is that you read a couple of my entries and decide if you want to read more. The ones that I think best represent me are Singing to Cheryl Crow in the Car (happy) and When the World Goes from Color to Black and White (sad) and Living Life Close to the Bone (about autism).
I don’t post often. I spend most of my time working on a memoir, short stories, and essays that I’m trying hard to get published through conventional means. The people who decide these things are both overwhelmed and very picky, so it’s a time consuming process.
This isn’t to say that you aren’t also discerning about what you read (at least, I hope you are). That’s the other reason I don’t post very often. I think very deeply about whether or not a piece belongs in your inbox.
So, I hope this works for you, and you give it a whirl.