Dec 7, 2023Liked by Amy Yuki Vickers


I think your website is beautiful, and just right.

Distraction is no small problem; it seems to be a gift to have the ability to concentrate for hours. I work on my ability to focus all the time (meditation).

Keep writing!


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I think you had the right idea with deleting old entries in those early online days. There is too much fodder for static evaluation in most people’s timelines. I have left enough digital waste behind, and have stacks on shelves, tables, and in storage containers of all my unfinished works… not to mention the hard drives. With my writing, it is the unsubmitted works, because they mostly are. Although with the new laptop, I plan to remedy that. I need to take the leap from a journalist and grant writer to a writer of fiction. Maybe I’m a little afraid of resentment. I was actually more afraid of success because I can’t make much money or I might no longer qualify for the programs that pay for my medications (disease modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis cost between $60,000 and $100,000 per year). But then I found out that a person doesn’t get paid much for short stories (all I seem to be able to write), so it’s all good 🙃

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Amy Yuki Vickers

Your writing always impresses me. I loved the early scene setting: stinging cold, snowbanks taller than you.

Btw, did you hear that Elon Musk has said he's on the spectrum. I thought of that because his work schedule-method sounds similar to what you describe.

I'll check out the book you recommended.

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I’ve love reading this, and your website menu effect is so cool! Old school internet was so fun.

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Please don’t feel ashamed. I’m always happy when you write and I don’t care one whit about how long it is between posts. You always bring me something new to think about.

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“Maybe being me is worth the trouble.” -- yes, 110%, no maybe about it, yes yes yes 💕🙏🏼💕

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